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单位:吉林建筑大学     作者:莫畏 王勃     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-05-23

摘 要:本文介绍了吉林省四平市内二龙湖古城遗址以及周边古城遗址的旅游资源现状。古城遗址的历史价值、社会价值、开发价值,探讨其全域旅游开发的可能性。分析研究对吉林省历史建筑在全域旅游开发中进行保护及其开发策略。提高吉林省历史文化旅游形象。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper introduces the status quo of tourism resources of erlonghu ancient city site and its surroundings in siping city, jilin province.This paper discusses the historical value, social value and development value of the ancient city ruins, and discusses the possibility of its all-area-advancing tourism development.This paper analyzes and studies the protection and development strategies of historical buildings in jilin province in the all-area-advancing tourism development.Improve the historical and cultural tourism image of jilin province.

Key Words:erlonghu ancient city ruins; Jilin province; all-area-advancing tourism; Conservation of historic buildings