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单位:西南交通大学...     作者:刘英啸     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-05-23

摘 要:当下导视系统种类繁多,但真正能够帮助用户导视系统较少,因此探讨商场智能导视系统存在的问题及优化策略。通过实地调研发现问题及需求,线上收集资料,同时根据线上线下资料结合SWOT模型分析法进行分析。智能导视系统界面设计应突出主题,功能应简洁。导航采用动态导航方式,为老人设计专用通道等问题。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Nowadays, there are many kinds of guided system, but there are fewer ones that can really help users. Therefore, the problems and optimization strategies of intelligent guided system in shopping malls are discussed. Through field investigation, it finds the problems and needs, collects data online and draws conclusions based on online and offline data combined with SWOT model analysis method. Intelligent navigation system interface design should highlight the theme; function should be concise; navigation should adopt dynamic navigation mode; design a dedicated channel for the elderly.

Key Words:SWOT model; Intelligent guide system for shopping malls; Optimization strategy; Existing problems