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单位:南昌航空大学...     作者:李爽 徐晶      来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-05-23

摘 要:东固传统造像是江西省吉安市青原区东固镇的一项以儒释道神袛及地方神为主要题材的造像技艺,其表现形式多集中于绘画、雕塑及开光仪式,起到极为重要的精神传承效果,是当地文化的艺术缩影,有着极高的艺术价值。因此,本项目将从东固传统造像美学研究入手,对东固传统造像的装饰语言、装饰纹样及装饰色彩展开分析,并通过简化、变形、融合的手法提取其装饰元素融入东固镇环境设施设计中,对东固传统造像的传承和延续具有极大的价值,同时为旅游行业开拓出一条良性的发展道路。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The traditional statue of Donggu is an imagery technique based on Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism and local gods in Donggu Town, Qingyuan District, Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province. Its expressions are mostly concentrated in painting, sculpture and opening ceremony. The important spiritual inheritance effect is the microcosm of the local culture and has a high artistic value. Therefore, this project will start with the study of Donggu traditional imagery aesthetics, analyze the decorative language, decorative patterns and decorative colors of Donggu traditional statues, and extract their decorative elements into Donggu Town's environmental facilities through simplification, deformation and integration. In the design, it has great value for the inheritance and continuation of Donggu traditional statues, and at the same time develops a benign development path for the tourism industry.

Key Words:Donggu; statue; decoration; environmental facilities