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单位:扬州工业职业...     作者:产婵 李云杰 吴静     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-05-23

摘 要:随着现代社会的发展,很多人都会在自己的卧室、客厅、办公室、会客厅等等室内空间摆放绿色装置,一方面是可以净化空气中的污染物,清新空气;另一方面室内的植物绿化具有极大地观赏价值,使人心情愉悦。因此在现代的室内设计中绿化装置已经非常的普遍,但是随之而来也出现了很多的问题。源于在室内装置的过程中,绿化装置本来就受到空间的限制,因此在室内如果摆放大件的绿化装置,那么势必会影响到整体的设计效果,因此考虑到现实出现的问题,本文主要是通过便捷式装配绿化的净化装饰和绿植进行分析探索,思考在室内设计的过程中,便捷式装配绿化在其中的应用。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the development of modern society, many people will put green devices in their bedrooms, living rooms, offices, meeting rooms and other indoor spaces. On the one hand, they can purify pollutants in the air and clean the air. On the other hand, indoor plant greening has great ornamental value and makes people feel happy. Therefore, in modern interior design, greening devices have become more and more popular. Often common, but there are also many problems, because in the process of indoor installation, according to the current economic situation, greening devices are limited by space, so if large greening devices are placed in the interior, it will inevitably affect the overall design effect. Therefore, considering the actual problems, this paper mainly through convenient assembly. Purification and decoration of greening and green planting are analyzed and explored, and the application of convenient assembly greening in interior design is considered.  

Key Words:Convenient assembly; Greening; Interior design