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单位:太原工业学院     作者:安静斌     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-05-23

摘 要:近年来,我国机械制造产业进入高速发展阶段,产业结构逐步由生产型向服务型的制造方式转变。人们不断提升对产品的需求,人性化设计需求开始从生活用品渗入到各个行业。焊机作为制造业的重要的制造设备之一,其设计过程考虑到人性化的应用成为焊机设计的必然发展趋势。将以人为本的人性化设计理念融入到焊机的设计中,进而取代以产品为中心的传统设计思维,能够有效地提高产品的市场竞争力。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In recent years, China's machinery manufacturing industry has entered a stage of rapid development, and the industrial structure has gradually changed from a production-oriented to a service-oriented manufacturing method. People continue to increase the demand for products, and humanized design needs have begun to infiltrate into various industries from daily necessities. As one of the important manufacturing equipments of the manufacturing industry, the welding machine takes into account the humanized application and becomes an inevitable development trend of the welding machine design. The human-oriented humanized design concept is integrated into the design of the welding machine, which replaces the traditional product-centered design thinking and can effectively improve the market competitiveness of the product.

Key Words:Welding Machine; Humanized Design; Product Design