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单位:安阳工学院机...     作者:王倩 侯帅坤 裴晨格     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-05-23

摘 要:纵观如今旅游纪念品市场,大多旅游纪念品特色缺失,销售市场定位不够准确,产品缺乏市场发展规划。文章以河南旅游纪念品的开发设计为例,通过引入Kano模型,对受众人群深入访问所得到的初始需求项进行Kano问卷调查,对得到的数据整理归纳后,获取河南旅游纪念品需求项的用户满意度以及对需求项进行优先级排序,以期得到的数据可以为河南旅游纪念品的设计提供方向。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Throughout today's tourist souvenir market, most of the tourist souvenirs lack characteristics, inaccurate marketing positioning, and lack of market development planning for products. Taking the development and design of Henan tourism souvenirs as an example, this paper introduces Kano model, carries out Kano questionnaire survey on the initial demand items obtained by in-depth interviews of the audience, collates and summarizes the data obtained, obtains the user satisfaction of Henan tourism souvenir demand items and prioritizes the demand items, in order to obtain the data for Henan Tourism souvenirs. The plan provides direction.

Key Words:Kano model; Henan tourism souvenir; Design