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单位:福建农林大学...     作者:冯钰淇 洪碧云     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-05-23

摘 要:铁观音是我国的重要的茶类之一,每年都有大量铁观音茶梗废弃物被浪费,随着文化创意产业的升温,为铁观音茶梗提供了良好的再利用的途径。本研究一方面通过文献探讨分析了铁观音茶梗再利用的技术手段:第一类是直接利用茶梗,第二类是提取茶梗内的微量元素制作成产品,第三类是紧压茶梗制作而成的产品;另一方面使用评价构造法和KJ法分析总结得出茶文化创意相关产品的设计特性是简洁的外观造型、新颖的使用方式和产品的文化性与伦理属性。进一步提出铁观音茶梗文化创意再设计的策略。希望通过本研究为相关人士提供设计参考。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:China is a big tea country. Every year, a large amount of Tieguanyin tea stem be wasted. With the warming up of the cultural and creative industries, the cultural and creative products have the characteristics of low energy consumption and no pollution, providing a good way for Tieguanyin tea stems to be reused. This research tried to explore the technical means of Tieguanyin tea stem reuse through literature; analysis Tieguanyin tea stem product type, it can be divided into three categories: the first category is the direct use of tea stems, the second is extracting trace elements from tea stems into products; and the third is the products made from pressed tea stems. evaluation grid method and KJ method were used to analyze and conclude the characteristics of culture creative products of tea. They were simple appearance, novel use way and cultural and ethical attributes of the product. Then the study proposed the design strategies for Tieguanyin tea stem redesign based cultural creative design. It hopes to give the relevant people some design reference.

Key Words:Tea stem; cultural creativity; redesign