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单位:福州大学厦门...     作者:姚光红     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-05-23

摘 要:科技的革新给予现代首饰设计领域带来新工艺与新材料,帮助设计师摆脱一定的束缚,给予更广阔的想象空间和自如表达空间,将现代首饰设计带入一个前所未的崭新领域。文章对现代首饰设计发展的趋势以及现代科技在首饰设计中的融合应用进行探索性分析,倡导将现代首饰设计与现代科技进行有机融合,开拓现代首饰设计的边界与深度,以便更好地推动现代首饰行业向前发展。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The innovation of science and technology brings new technology and new materials to the field of modern jewelry design, helps designers to get rid of certain constraints, gives broader imagination space and free expression space, and brings modern jewelry design into a brand-new field never seen before. This paper makes an exploratory analysis of the development trend of modern jewelry design and the integration and application of modern technology in jewelry design, advocates the organic integration of modern jewelry design and modern technology, and explores the boundary and depth of modern jewelry design, in order to better promote the development of modern jewelry industry.

Key Words:modern technology; Jewelry design; Fusion application