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单位:长沙师范学院     作者:周冰洁     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-05-23

摘 要:玩具设计需要关注儿童对玩具的视觉感知。为探索“以儿童为中心的”玩具需求,将眼动跟踪技术运用于玩具形式要素测试,通过实验得到注视点、注视时间、热点图、兴趣区数据等眼动指标,结合视知觉相关理论,提炼了玩具中符合儿童需求的视觉感知形式,以此作为玩具设计的重要参考。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Toy design needs to pay attention to children's visual perception of toys. To explore the need for “child-centered” toys, eye tracking technology was applied to toy form factor testing. Eye movement indicators such as fixation points, fixation time, heat maps, and interest area data were obtained through experiments. Combined with the theory of visual perception, the visual perception form of the toy that meets the children's needs is refined, which is used as an important reference for toy design.

Key Words:Eye movement analysis; Toy design; Visual perception