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单位:1.云南师范大...     作者:余希1 赵凡民2     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-05-22

摘 要:文章以成都地铁导视信息为例分析信息设计在特定功能场合当中的运用。从各功能导视信息的分布与统一、应对信息的受众需求、信息的可识别性与接收性三方面对成都地铁导视信息现状进行分析和总结。试图用地域色彩、符号图像化、情境化结合新媒体的运用来进行成都地铁导视信息体验性设计。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper takes Chengdu Metro Instruction Information as an example to analyze the application of information design in specific functional occasions. This paper analyses and summarizes the status quo of Chengdu Metro Indicative Information from three aspects: the distribution and unification of the functional indicative information, the response to the needs of the information audience, the identifiability and receptivity of the information. Afterwards, it tries to use the regional color, symbol image and situational design to carry out the experiential design of Chengdu Metro Indicator Information, hoping to strengthen the regional experience of Chengdu Metro.

Key Words:information design; Chengdu Metro; regional color; symbols imagery; Contextualization