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单位:郑州职业技术...     作者:张生英     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-05-22

摘 要:《版式设计》课程作为一门由基础设计课程到核心设计课程的过渡课程,在授课的过程中要照顾学生的接受能力,理论点到为止,重点是如何在实践课程的安排中使学生容易接受,并且体现出学生的循序渐进的学习能力。在高职艺术设计专业教学中,实践教学模块的安排就显得尤其重要。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The "Layout Design" course is a transitional course from basic design course to core design course. In the course of teaching, students should take care of the students' ability to accept. The theory is so close, the key point is how to make students in the practice course arrangement. It is easy to accept and reflects the students' ability to learn step by step. In the teaching of art design in higher vocational schools, the arrangement of practical teaching modules is particularly important.

Key Words:layout design; practical teaching; project module