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基于双向交叉的教学模块设计实践 ——以《插图与书籍设计》教学改革为例

单位:浙江财经大学...     作者:陈天茜     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-05-22

摘 要:本文就《插图与书籍设计》课程存在的如课程教学内容扁平、学生实践内容无衔接、课程时间与课程内容体量匹配失衡等问题进行研究分析,提出双向交叉教学模块,这样能够提升学生对于知识点的融会贯通,在实践中能够自主解决综合性复杂性的问题,建立起多维度的设计思维,提升学生的综合设计应用能力,为当下高校同类型课程教学中的普遍问题提供一个新的解决思路。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:his paper studies and analyses the problems existing in the course of Illustration and Book Design, such as flat teaching content, no cohesion of students'practical content, unbalanced matching of course time and volume of course content, and puts forward two-way Cross-teaching module, which can improve students' understanding of knowledge points, solve the problems of comprehensive complexity independently in practice, and build up more. Dimensional design thinking can improve students'comprehensive design application ability. It provides a new way to solve the common problems in the teaching of the same type of courses in Colleges and universities.

Key Words:two way crossover; Teaching module; illustration; book design