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单位:三亚学院      作者:郗瑞鲁     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-05-22

摘 要:该教学实践研究以工作坊式教学为背景,在继承和借鉴原有工作坊式教学成果的基础上,运用案例导入式的教学手段结合参与设计项目进行设计实践的模式,吸收启发式教学探究法及问题教学的新理念、新思路,结合现代设计教学中学生理论与实践脱节的现象,重在培养学生的设计实践能力和创造性思维能力,达到学生举一反三的教学效果。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:the teaching practice teaching as the background, research work way in heritage and reference to the teaching achievement, on the basis of the original work mill with case import type teaching method combined with participate in the mode of design project to carry on the design practice, absorb the heuristic teaching to explore the method and problem of the new idea, new ideas, combined with modern design phenomenon between theory and practice of teaching middle school students, the design of the emphasis on cultivating students' practical ability and creative thinking ability, the lines of the teaching effect.

Key Words:design workshop; heuristic teaching; creative thinking