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单位:内蒙古师范大...     作者:乔易     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-05-22

摘 要:当前国内动画产业已升级,对于人才的要求也有所发展,教育部敏锐地察觉到这一转变,提出高校人才培养模式转型的要求。在这样的大背景下,作为动画专业应用型人才培养模式转型的重要力量——民办高校,要发挥先锋作用。了解自身发展的现状,发现问题与特色,再结合区外的先进经验和自身的实际情况,努力在人才培养模式、课程体系和软硬件条件建设、校企合作等方面探索具有特色的应用型人才培养新模式。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:At present, the domestic animation industry has been upgraded and the requirement for talents has developed. The Ministry of Education has also been keenly aware of  this change and put forward the requirements for the transfo-rmation of talent training mode in Colleges and universities. In this context, as an important force in the transformation of the training mode of applied talents foranimation majors, private colleges and universities should play a pioneer role. Understanding the current situation of its own development, finding out problems and characteristics, combining with the advanced experience outside the region and its own actual situation, we should strive to explore a new mode of application-oriented talents training with characteristics in  the aspects of personnel training mode, curriculum system, construction of software and hardware conditions, school-enterprise cooperation and so on. 

Key Words:Minority areas; Private colleges and universities; Transformation; Current situation analysis; Experience