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单位:南昌航空大学      作者:郭林森     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-05-22

摘 要:计算机辅助工业设计以CAD技术为依托,涵盖概念设计、数控加工、快速成型、模具制造等多个环节,使现代工业设计呈现出综合化、多元化的发展趋势。《中国制造2025》作为中国政府实施制造强国战略的行动纲领之一,明确提出“推进制造过程智能化”,即“智能制造”。在未来的“智能制造”领域,计算机辅助工业设计将大有可为。就高等教育而言,计算机辅助工业设计课程的改革将以项目驱动式教学法、“互联网+”教学法、交互式教学理念等为主导,提高教学质量。计算机辅助工业设计要紧紧围绕“中国制造2025”,不断改革,锐意创新,适应新形势的要求,为中国制造走向世界舞台贡献一份力量。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Computer Aided Industrial Design is based on CAD technology, including conceptual design, numerical control machining, rapid prototyping, mold manufacturing, etc. "Made in China 2025", as one of the action programs of the Chinese government to implement the strategy of becoming a manufacturing power, clearly puts forward the idea of "promoting intelligent manufacturing process", namely "intelligent manufacturing". The future of "intelligent manufacturing", CAID will be very promising. The teaching reform of CAID will be led by project-driven teaching method, "Internet +" teaching method and interactive teaching concept to improve the teaching quality. CAID should focus on "Made in China 2025", make continuous reform, bold innovation, adapt to the requirements of the new situation, and make a contribution to the world stage of Made in China.

Key Words:Computer Aided Industrial Design; Made in China 2025; Industrial Design; product design