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单位:天水师范学院      作者:王海林 范毅宏     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-05-22

摘 要:目前,综合性高等院校面向非艺术类学生的艺术通识课已经在越来越多的普通高等院校开设,但这些课程的设计理念及目标价值归属多停留在提供艺术的知识层面,而不是将艺术作为一种内在的素质培育渠道。在课程体系里艺术选修课也多定性为自由选修课程,居于可有可无之间的地位。在教育的人文属性需要强化的背景下,发挥艺术在人文素养培育中的特殊价值,强化艺术课程的人文性,当成为艺术通识课程设置的旨归,同时让艺术通识课程成为美育的重要支点。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:At present, general art courses for non-art students in comprehensive colleges and universities have been offered in more and more ordinary colleges and universities, but the design concept and target value of these courses are mostly at the knowledge level of providing art, rather than taking art as a channel of cultivating the quality of a whole person. In the curriculum system, art elective courses are mostly classified as free elective courses, which appear dispensable. Under the background that the humanistic attribute of education needs to be strengthened, giving full play to the special value of art in the cultivation of humanistic literacy and strengthening the humanistic nature of art curriculum should be regarded as the purpose of setting up general art curriculum, and at the same time, making general art curriculum an important fulcrum of aesthetic education.

Key Words:humanistic education; general education curriculum; aesthetic education