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单位:东南大学      作者:刘禹琪     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-04-25

摘 要:文章以共享经济为背景,阐述了共享服务的三个主要构成要素:共享资源、共享平台以及用户,结合案例总结了两大共享模式:用户——平台——用户模式和企业——平台——用户模式,并分析了各自的基本流程与特点。基于共享的特性,从服务和软硬件产品两个角度思考共享经济下的设计问题,旨在提炼不同于传统产品的共享设计要点,创造良好的用户体验。


中图分类号:J0 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In the context of the sharing economy, this paper expounds the three main components of the sharing services: shared resources, shared platforms and users. The two cases are summarized in the following cases: user-platform-user mode and enterprise-platform-user mode. The processes and characteristics are analyzed. Based on the characteristics of sharing economy, we consider the design problem in the sharing economy from the perspective of service design and product design, aiming at refining the design principles of the sharing economy for creating a good user experience.

Key Words:Sharing economy; Service design; Product design