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单位:广东环境保护...     作者:张在宇     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-04-25

摘 要:在中国,仅会展行业每年带来的国民经济增长已超千亿元。但是在经济快速增长中,我国会展工程仍存在大量的工程材料垃圾,对生态环境造成极大浪费。可循环利用展具具有多样化、模块化等形式,安装方便、运输便捷、材料环保等优势逐步被更多企业所认可。可循环展具的创新方式则需进行多方面尝试与验证,需要更多的展示人才心系绿色环保理念去关怀可循环利用展具的发展,促使展览产业向低碳环保展示经济时代前进。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In China, the national economic growth brought by the convention and exhibition industry alone has exceeded 100 billion yuan. However, in the rapid economic growth, there are still a large amount of engineering material waste in China's convention and exhibition projects, which is a great waste of the ecological environment. The recyclable display has the form of diversification, modularization, etc. The advantages of convenient installation, convenient transportation and environmental protection of materials are gradually recognized by more enterprises. In the innovative way of recyclable exhibits, it is necessary to carry out many attempts and verifications. It is necessary to show more talents to be green and environmentally friendly to care for the development of recyclable exhibits, and to promote the exhibition industry to showcase the economic era of low-carbon and environmental protection.

Key Words:Recyclable; Innovative way; Environmentally friendly materials