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单位:吉林建筑大学      作者:马辉 张滢 余虹静     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-04-25

摘 要:本文在中国人口老龄化发展趋势与居家养老形式日趋严峻的背景下,以老年人的情感体验为依据探究日间照料中心的室内视觉环境设计途径。着重阐释日间照料中心与视觉环境设计的相关概念以及老年人对日间照料中心的情感化需求,提出日间照料中心室内视觉环境设计的原则,从营造舒适感与维护隐私感、注重安全感与体现关怀感四个方面出发尝试探究具体的设计途径,为日间照料中心室内视觉环境设计提供依据。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Under the background of the aging trend of Chinese population and the increasingly severe form of home-based pension, this paper explores the design method of indoor visual environment in day care centers based on the emotional experience of the elderly. The related concepts of daytime care center and visual environment design and the emotional needs of the elderly for daytime care center are explained, and the principles of daytime Care Center indoor visual environment design are put forward. From four aspects of creating comfort and maintaining privacy, emphasizing security and reflecting care, the specific design methods are explored to provide daytime care center indoor visual environment. The design provides the basis.

Key Words:Emotional experience; Day care centre; Visual environment