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单位:华东理工大学      作者:潘逸炜 王计平     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-04-25

摘 要:近年来,由于机动车撞击道路限高设施造成的伤亡事故屡现报端,而我国道路限高设施本身就存在较大隐患。文章通过梳理现行设计规范、对比国内外限高系统实例,发现当前我国限高设施存在管理混乱、标准模糊、规划失当等问题,进而提出人性化设计方法和规范的管理手段,以期为限高系统改善提供有益的参考,提升城市道路的安全性。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Casualties caused by vehicles hitting overhead height limit facilities have been frequently reported recently, and hidden dangers lurk in such facilities. By combing the current design code and comparing with the examples at home and abroad, this paper holds that the current height limit facilities in China have problems of management confusion, standard ambiguity and improper planning. In order to provide beneficial reference and improve traffic safety, humanization design methods and standardized management means are further pointed out.

Key Words:height restricting system; humanization design; collision avoidance system