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单位:东北大学艺术学院     作者:徐健 颜心文 孙红月     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-04-25

摘 要:非遗项目的展示是推动非遗保护与传播的重要途径。以制瓷工艺的展示空间设计为例,探求在非遗展示空间的设计中运用情景再造的方式。希望可以给展示空间设计师在从事非遗项目的设计中以启示,推动非遗项目的展示与传播。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The exhibition of non-heritage projects is an important way to promote the protection and dissemination of non-heritage projects. Taking the display space design of porcelain making process as an example, this paper explores the application of scenario reengineering in the design of non-legacy display space. It is hoped that it can provide inspiration for exhibition space designers in the design of non-heritage projects and promote the exhibition and dissemination of non-heritage projects.

Key Words:Scene reconstruction; Exhibition space;Intangible cultural heritage;   Porcelain making process; Design