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单位:景德镇陶瓷大...     作者:曾海娟     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-04-25

摘 要:在中国漫长的历史中,园林景观艺术一直是一颗璀璨的文化明珠,它凝聚了人民的智慧与精神,反映了人类对理想家园的不懈追求。中国古典园林作为世界园林体系中重要的一部分,在近代渐渐有了颓势,而日本,却在吸收了中国古典园林艺术的精华与佛教思想后,经过了本土1400多年的发展,继承发展出了适应本国文化精神的“枯山水”庭园艺术,本文便是以此为背景,试图从枯山水庭园的发展,探讨当代中国园林景观艺术发展的可能性。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In the long history of China, the garden landscape art has always been a bright cultural pearl in China, which embodies the wisdom and spirit of the people and reflects the unremitting pursuit of the ideal home of mankind.Chinese classical garden as an important part of the world botanical garden system, in modern times have gradually decline, and Japan, but in absorbing the essence of Chinese classical garden art and buddhist thought, after 1400 years of development, local inherited developed to adapt to local cultural spirit of "dry landscape garden art, this article is based on this background, from the development of the dry landscape garden, to explore the possibility of the contemporary Chinese landscape art development.

Key Words:Dry landscape garden; Chinese classical garden art; Nature; The spiritual core