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单位:珠海艺术职业学院     作者:汤黎宇     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-04-25

摘 要:当前,整个日用陶瓷的工业设计体系都是源自西方引进的一套工业体系。连专业设计教材都是西方转译过来的资源,一个当代的中国设计师如果在初出茅庐的时期就能够全然接受并对这一套已然成熟的工业体系了如指掌,对于个人的综合发展显然有非常巨大的提升。文章将通过数以千年的传统文化与成熟的工业体系该如何取得平衡这个问题进行剖析阐述,为有意开拓传统文化设计元素体系的设计者提供一些能够找准个人风格方向的建议与参考。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:at present, the whole industrial design system of daily-use ceramics is an industrial system introduced from the west.Even professional design textbooks are translated from western resources. If a contemporary Chinese designer can fully accept and understand this set of mature industrial system when he is just a beginner, he will obviously greatly improve his comprehensive development.This paper will analyze and elaborate the balance between the traditional culture and the mature industrial system for thousands of years, and provide some Suggestions and references for designers who intend to develop the design element system of traditional culture to find the right direction of personal style.

Key Words:traditional design elements; Modern ceramics; Industrial design