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单位:东北石油大学     作者:刘文庆 孟祥波 李姝源     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-04-25

摘 要:中国传统动物图形作为一种设计符号,不仅是人类智慧的结晶,更承载着中华民族优秀的传统文化。从古至今,中华民族不仅创造了大量的动物图形杰作,也建立了完整的艺术设计理论体系,使动物图形得以广泛运用。现代设计不仅要保持中国传统动物图形的艺术魅力,更要追求艺术语言的创新化、国际化。探究传统动物图形在现代设计中的应用的过程,也是传统动物图形的再创造的过程。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:As a design symbol, Chinese traditional animal graphics are not only the crystallization of human wisdom, but also the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation. Since ancient times, the Chinese nation has not only created a large number of masterpieces of animal graphics, but also established a complete theoretical system of art design, making animal graphics widely available. Modern design not only maintains the artistic charm of traditional Chinese animal graphics, but also pursues the innovation and internationalization of artistic language. The process of applying traditional animal graphics in modern design is also the process of recreating traditional animal graphics.

Key Words:Chinese tradition; animal graphics; modern design; application