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单位:长春工业大学     作者:赵晓明 桑延青     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-04-25

摘 要:无人机技术发展了一百多年已经相对稳定成熟,对于其应用的探索也扩展到了各行各业,例如在海洋搜救领域,无人机技术就有着得天独道的优势。但好的产品不仅仅要有先进的技术,而且更需要功能与形式相结合,并从产品的外观造型设计上吸引用户,内在美与外在美相结合。本文就针对海洋搜救无人机的造型设计进行分析,从海洋环境、无人机类型、复合材料的应用三点总结对造型设计的影响。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The development of drone technology has been relatively stable and mature for more than 100 years. The exploration of its application has also extended to all walks of life. Among them, the field of marine search and rescue, drone technology has a unique advantage. But a good product is not only an advanced technology, but a combination of functional forms. From the appearance of the product design, it begins to attract users, and the inner beauty and the outer beauty are combined. This paper analyzes the design of the marine search and rescue drone, and summarizes the impact on the design from three aspects: marine environment, drone type and composite application.

Key Words:Modeling analysis; marine environment; influencing factors