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单位:江南大学设计学院     作者:杨雪     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-04-24

摘 要:社会的进步伴随的是城市化家庭生活的形成,城市化家庭虽然生活质量有所提高,但儿童与外界接触减少、活动范围的局限、运动机会的减少导致部分儿童身体不协调、行为受限,这种情况正是感觉统合失调的问题。现在大部分家庭开始重视儿童感觉统合失调的问题,早教班等相关机构也有针对此情况设置的专项训练,而针对家庭环境中的儿童感觉统合训练用品却很少,市场前景广阔。本文旨在探讨家用儿童感觉统合训练用品在设计中应注意的趣味性、陪伴性、安全性、更迭性等影响因素的研究。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Social progress is accompanied by the formation of urbanized family life. Although the quality of life of urbanized families has improved, children's contact with the outside world is reduced and their range of activities is limited. Decreased opportunities for exercise lead to physical disharmony and behavioral limitation in some children. This is exactly the problem of sensory integration disorder. Now most families begin to pay attention to children's sensory integration disorder. Early education classes and other related institutions also have special training for this situation. However, there are few sensory integration training supplies for children in the home environment, which indicates broad market prospects. The purpose of this paper is to explore the factors that should be paid attention to in the design of household sensory integration training supplies for children, such as interests, companionship, safety and alternation.

Key Words:Sensory Integration; Interests; Companionship; Safety; Alternation