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单位:惠州学院美术...     作者:朱云     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-04-24

摘 要:大学生设计能力培养是一个系统工程,其不仅有赖于高校软硬件的支撑,而且也与学生个人的性别、兴趣等因素存在一定的关联。借助问卷调查和统计分析手段,发现广东高校设计专业学生在择业计划、教学方法、专业爱好等方面存在一定的性别差异。并且,在兴趣方面,越喜欢所学专业的学生其对课程、专业教师的评价越高;越喜欢所学专业的学生其越喜欢参与设计实践活动,越乐意接受实践理性的教学方法。除此之外,专业年级也是影响设计能力培养的一个因素,设计专业学生随着年级的升高,其对专业的相关喜好程度也发生一定的改变。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The cultivation of college students' design ability is a systematic project. It depends not only on the support of the university's hardware and software, but also on the students' gender, interests and other factors.With the help of questionnaires and statistical analysis, it is found that there have certain gender differences in career choices, teaching methods, and professional hobbies of design majors’ students. Moreover, in terms of interest, the more students who like to study, the higher their evaluation of courses and professional teachers.The more students who like to study, the more they like to participate in design practice activities, the more they are willing to accept practical and rational teaching methods.In addition, the students’enrollment grade is also a factor influencing the development of design competence.As the grades of design students increase, their degree of professional preference has also changed.

Key Words:Design Education; Interest; Gender; Investigation; Analysis