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单位:中原工学院     作者:王大凯 李艳敏     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-03-27

摘 要:设计是需要文化的承载,赋予设计以灵魂。许江说:“茶米为食,麻丝为衣,竹陶为用,林泉为居”。这是中国特有的传统生活方式。本文通过对竹精神文化的诠释,解析竹现代的居住空间设计作品。把中国传统文化通过创新,活化和再生的方法,让人们感受到传统文化的魅力,以此滋养当代中国人的生活。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Design is the bearing of culture, which gives the soul to design. Xu Jiang said, "Tea and rice are for food, linen for clothing, bamboo and pottery for use, and forest springs for residence." This is a traditional way of life with Chinese characteristics. Through the analysis of bamboo culture, this paper applies it to modern residential space design. By means of innovation, activation and regeneration, Chinese traditional culture can make people feel the charm of traditional culture and nourish the life of contemporary Chinese people. 

Key Words:bamboo culture; Residential space design; Traditional culture; innovation