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单位:广州大学松田...     作者:赵迪心     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-03-27

摘 要:当下的字体设计早已打破了其作为信息传达的主要功能,越来越多地依据文字本身的含义和艺术形态结构而延展变化出多样化的图形,这种经过设计师抽象、拆分或重组的文字图形化寓于字体设计中,其传播力量和视觉冲击力大大优于文字本身,已成为形象设计时代中一种新型的信息解读方式。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Nowadays, font design has already broken down its main function of information transmission, more and more, on the basis of the meaning of the text itself and the structure of the art form to extend and change a variety of graphics. Abstract, split or recombined by designers, text graphics are embodied in font design, whose transmission power and visual impact are much better than the text itself, which has become a new way of information interpretation in the era of image design.

Key Words:Characters; Fonts Design; Graphical