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单位:宿迁学院     作者:王娴雅 顾悦     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-03-27

摘 要:随着科技水平的日新月异,人们的生活水平日渐提高,为了追求更优质的生活,化妆品及其包装设计成为人们装饰自己的必需品,这不仅仅是人类文明进步的标志,也是文化的重要载体之一。女性是化妆品的主要消费群体,化妆产品的包装一定要契合女性消费者的喜好,有针对性的进行设计,满足女性的对色彩、视觉等方面的需求,充分契合审美体验的要求。化妆品能够带给使用者自信、漂亮、青春的感受,是一种积极向上的生活方式。只有科学、合理的应用化妆品包装材料,把握化妆品的整体包装造型,才能够吸引消费者的眼光,使其产生购买欲望,促进化妆品的销售。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the rapid development of science and technology, people's living standards are increasing. In order to pursue better quality of life, cosmetics and their packaging design become the necessities for people to decorate themselves. This is not only a symbol of the progress of human civilization, but also one of the important carriers of culture. Women are the main consumer groups of cosmetics, the packaging of cosmetic products must fit the preferences of women consumers, designed to meet the needs of women in color, visual and other aspects, fully fit the requirements of aesthetic experience. Cosmetics can give users the feeling of confidence, beauty and youth. It is a positive way of life. Only scientific and rational use of cosmetic materials, grasp the overall packaging of cosmetics, can attract consumers' eyes, make it produce the desire to buy, promote the sale of cosmetics.

Key Words:Cosmetics; Container modeling; Packing design; Brand