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单位:福建师范大学      作者:汪玲     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-03-27

摘 要:泥塑在历史悠久的中国有着上千年的流传历史,历朝历代的发展演变成就了各个地区独具风格的泥塑艺术。今天的凤翔泥塑是泥塑艺术中不可缺少的一部分。凤翔泥塑来源于生活并被劳动人民赋予了不同的象征寓意,简单又朴实。凤翔泥塑所具有的美学特征和文化内涵,突出了人在其发展中所占据的重要作用,它所体现出的艺术内涵,反映出关中民间美术独一无二的艺术魅力。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Clay sculpture has a history of thousands of years in China with a long history. The development and evolution of dynasties and dynasties have resulted in the unique art of clay sculpture in various regions. Today's fengxiang clay sculpture is an indispensable part of the art of clay sculpture. Fengxiang clay sculpture comes from life and is endowed with different symbolic meanings by the working people. It is simple and simple. Fengxiang clay sculpture has the aesthetic characteristics and cultural connotation, highlighting the important role of human beings in its development, it reflects the artistic connotation, reflects the unique charm of guanzhong folk art.

Key Words:Fengxiang clay; Modeling features; Subject characteristics; Color painting; Color language