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单位:河南科技大学...     作者:石亚楠     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-03-27

摘 要:手帕不仅是一件日常生活用品,它象征一种对绿色生活的追求,对现代人来说,手帕逐渐被取代,这意味着,环境正在承受极大的负荷。要想让人们重新接受手帕,就要对手帕的色彩和纹样进行再设计,以满足现代人们对生活品质更高的追求,提倡人们重拾手帕更是对环境的一种保护。通过对洛阳文化元素的分析和挖掘,并将其运用在手帕的设计中,不但能使人们意识到使用手帕给环境带来的益处,还有助于宣传洛阳传统文化,让传统文化得以继承和发扬。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:handkerchief is not only a daily necessities, it symbolizes a pursuit of green life, for modern people, handkerchief is gradually replaced, which means that the environment is under great load.In order to make people accept the handkerchief again, it is necessary to re-design the color and pattern of the handkerchief to meet the modern people's pursuit of a higher quality of life.By analyzing and excavating the cultural elements of luoyang and applying them in the design of handkerchiefs, people can not only realize the benefits brought to the environment by using handkerchiefs, but also help to publicize the traditional culture of luoyang, so that the traditional culture can be inherited and developed.

Key Words:Luoyang element; printed handkerchief; innovative design