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单位:南京理工大学     作者:王皓然     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-03-27

摘 要:以提升电子政务平台的用户体验为目的。在态势感知理论中提取影响因素,将电子政务平台中的信息图解模式细分为子元素,选取准确率作为评价指标设计实验,通过实验结果分析得出相应设计策略。结果 更好的信息图解形式使得用户能更好的捕捉,理解信息,可以有效提高用户感知、认知信息数据的准确率。文章能很好的为电子政务平台界面的信息图解形式优化设计提供新的设计策略支持,提升政务部门行政的认知、决策准确率。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:To improve the user experience of e-government platform.  The influencing factors were extracted from the situational awareness. Theory The information graphic model in the e-government platform was subdivided into sub-elements, and the accuracy was selected as the evaluation index to design the experiment. The corresponding design strategies were obtained through the analysis of the experimental results. Results Better information graphic form enables users to better capture and understand information, which can effectively improve the accuracy of users' perception and cognitive information data. The paper can provide new design strategy support for the optimal design of the information graphic form of the e-government platform interface, and improve the cognition and decision-making accuracy of the administrative department.

Key Words:Situational awareness; Government affairs platform; Information diagram; The user experience