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单位:长春工业大学     作者:刘桂华 王钰珂     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-03-27

摘 要:网购充斥于我们的生活之中,众多购物APP竞争激烈,如何在众多的APP中脱颖而出已成为重中之重。良好的用户体验,已然成为购物类APP的核心。APP在拥有功能性与视觉美的完美结合、共性与个性的相互补充的同时只有符合用户需求、具有安全感、良好交互性、界面视觉完善的购物APP才能获得用户的青睐,提升用户的参与度,提高用户的忠诚度与喜爱。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Online shopping is full of our lives. Many shopping APPs are highly competitive. How to stand out in many APPs has become a top priority. A good user experience has become the core of the shopping APP. APP has the perfect combination of functionality and visual beauty, complementing commonality and individuality. At the same time, only the shopping APP that meets the user's needs, has security, good interactivity, and perfect visual interface can win the favor of users and enhance the participation of users. Improve user loyalty and love.

Key Words:user experience; shopping APP; interaction design