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单位:华南师范大学...     作者:钟维聪 蔡江宇     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-03-27

摘 要:本论文以调查研究现有的国内儿童玩具市场,结合国外儿童玩具发展状况,分析5G时代下的中国儿童智能玩具市场发展方向,亦希望通过对玩具市场进行调研分析,引起玩具市场研究方向的关注,拓展儿童智能玩具设计方向,进一步规范玩具市场,提高玩具质量,从而达到一个有益于教育和市场效益创赢的局面。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper investigates and studies the existing domestic children's toy market, combines with the development status of foreign children's toys, and analyses the development direction of Chinese children's intelligent toy market in 5G era. It also hopes to arouse the attention of toy Market Research direction, expand the direction of children's intelligent toy design, further standardize the toy market and improve the quality of toys by investigating and analyzing the toy market. Quantity, so as to achieve a beneficial situation for education and market efficiency.

Key Words: Interesting; 5G; Intelligent; Market; Quality; Children's Interest