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单位:东南大学机械...     作者:陶宇     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-03-27

摘 要:游戏界面功能及交互近年来飞速发展,日趋复杂化。本文对游戏复杂界面可用性及用户体验良好与否提供了一种通用评价方法。从游戏界面的可用性角度出发划分评估任务步骤,建立评价研究模型。在满足功能性和使用需求基础上进一步提高游戏界面可用性,为优化玩家体验感研究提供一定的参考价值。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The functions and interactions of game interface have developed rapidly recent decades and are becoming more and more complicated. This paper provides a general evaluation method for the game's complex interface usability and user experience. From the perspective of the usability of the game interface, the evaluation task steps are divided and an evaluation research model is established. On the basis of satisfying the functionality and usage requirements, the game interface usability can be further improved. It also provides a certain reference value for the research of the game experience.

Key Words:User experience; Game complex interface; Usability evaluation