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单位:东北石油大学...     作者:阚凤岩 邓聪     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-03-26

摘 要:本文通过探究几何形的起源与发展、几何形体的特点,观察产品造型的规律,概括出叠加、拼接、分割、切削、渐变、扭曲等基本的产品造型方法。通过各种几何形体的不同特点,根据不同比例的分割规律,运用叠加、切削等简单的造型方法可助现代产品造型设计的快速实现,且造型符合大众审美的的标准。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper summarizes the basic principles of overlay, splicing, merging, fragmenting cutting, engraving, gradual change, distortion and so on by exploring the origin and development of geometric elements, the characteristics of geometric elements and the laws of product modeling. Through the different characteristics of various geometric elements, according to the different proportion of the law of segmentation, the use of superposition, cutting and other simple modeling methods can help modern products quickly achieve design modeling, and modeling easy to meet the mass standard aesthetic standards.

Key Words:geometric elements; proportion and segmentation; product design