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单位:北京工业大学     作者:冯依一     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-03-26

摘 要:如今,精准医疗的提出开创了个体化治疗的新纪元,这对于工业设计师来说既是机遇又是挑战。文章从精准医疗的概念入手,研究了国内外新技术的发展和新应用的推出,思考了国内医疗产品与精准医疗理念存在的矛盾点,预测并提出了在精准医疗理念下的医疗产品设计的未来发展趋势,如:转向靶向产品、家用医疗产品占比增大、跨界合作、超越现有需求等,为今后医疗产品设计提供了更多方向。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Nowadays it is epochal to put forward the idea of the “Precision Medicine” in individual treatment, which is both an opportunity and a challenge for industrial designers. This article starts from the concept of precision medicine,studying the recent domestic and overseas technological developments and scientific achievements, finding out the main contradiction between domestic medical products and precision medicine. The developing trend of design in medical products are predicted in future based on the concept of precision medicine, such as turning to targeted products, increasing proportion of domestic medical products, cross-border cooperation, beyond existing needs, which providing more directions for medical products in future.

Key Words:Precision medicine; Medical product; Industrial design; Individual patients; Future trend