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单位:北京理工大学     作者:辛杭 宫晓东     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-03-26

摘 要:视障者,因为视力障碍影响到日常交流与生活,被边缘化、孤立成为一类特殊群体。文章致力于从产品设计角度探讨如何以产品通用、共玩的方式打破视障者与视力正常者之间因视力差异产生的交流壁垒,增进相互的沟通交流。通过借鉴无障碍设计、通用设计等设计理论,例举及分析现有的共游产品的设计特点,探索和思考“晴盲共游”产品的设计方法,对通用设计理论作进一步的补充,为未来国内市场发展“晴盲共游”产品提供参考。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The visually impaired are marginalized and isolated as a special group because of  visual impairment which affects their daily communication and life. This paper explored how to break communication barriers and prompt interaction between the visually impaired and the visually normal with universal and common-playing product design.In this paper,the design characteristics of existing common-playing products were taken as examples, with the barrier-free design and universal design theory as reference , the author explore and think about the design method of "common- playing" products. The research could be a further complement for universal design theory and provides a reference for the development of "common- playing" products in the domestic market in the future. 

Key Words:common- playing product; visually impaired; universal design; interaction