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单位:清华大学     作者:王闻博     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-03-26

摘 要:甲胄是人类战争文化史的产物。作为冷兵器时代古代战场的功能性服装,在人类战争史上扮演了重要的角色。在现代社会,影视文化和游戏产业的繁荣使甲胄文化重新渐入人们的视野,并且开拓出更为广阔的发展空间。笔者将以单机系列游戏《黑暗之魂》为研究对象,通过对其原画设计和游戏中实际模型进行对比和分析,浅析西洋甲胄在游戏设计中的表现。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The armor is a product of the culture of war. As a functional costume in the ancient battlefield of the cold weapon era, it leaves a markable footprint in the culture of war. In modern society, the flourish of the movie industry and the gaming industry have brought the narrative back to audiences’ attention, and expanded the playground for its development. The author took the stand-alone games, "Dark Soul", as the targeted research object, and parallelly compared the original concept art design,as well as the models to analyze for the use of analyzing the presence of the Western armor in the process of game design.

Key Words:Armor; Game design; Dark Soul; Custom design