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单位:惠州学院美术...     作者:朱云     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-03-26

摘 要:设计专业大学生设计和创业能力的培养是一个动态有机系统,从核心影响因素来看,其主要包括课程设置、师资力量、培养模式、社会合作、软硬件支撑及创新创业文化等。新时代背景下,只有通过理清设计专业学生的能力培养目标,能力培养方法及体系,才能真正将设计教育与创业教育融为一体,进而最终推动地方经济和社会的发展。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The cultivation of college students' design ability and entrepreneurial ability is a dynamic organic system. From the perspective of core influencing factors, it mainly includes curriculum, teacher strength, training mode, social cooperation, software and hardware support, and innovation and entrepreneurship culture.Under the background of the new era, only by clarifying the ability training objectives and ability training methods and systems of design students can we truly integrate design education with entrepreneurship education, and ultimately promote local economic and social development.

Key Words:design ability; entrepreneurial ability; design major; influencing factors