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单位:浙江师范大学     作者:张依婷     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-03-26

摘 要:随着社会文化、经济的迅速发展,新趋势下工业设计不再是传统的工业产品制造和设计,更多领域延伸到其它学科中,设计战略与管理课程作为一门交叉性学科,传统的设计专业教学方法已不足以满足当代大学生对设计课程的需求,因此在教学研究中应不断的进行创新,摸索出有针对性的教学方法,促进工业设计专业的全面发展。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the rapid development of social culture and economy, industrial design under the new trend is no longer the traditional industrial product manufacturing and design. More fields are extended to other disciplines. Design strategy and management curriculum as a cross-disciplinary discipline, tradition The design teaching method is not enough to meet the needs of contemporary college students for design courses. Therefore, in teaching research, innovation should be continuously carried out to find out the targeted teaching methods and promote the comprehensive development of industrial design.

Key Words:industrial design; design strategy and management; teaching method