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浅谈新疆中小学美术教师教育的普遍性和特殊性 ——以新疆师范高等专科学校(新疆教育学院)为例

单位:新疆师范高等...     作者:魏久志 魏凯旋     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-03-26

摘 要:中国高等师范教育发展至今已有百余年的时间,新疆的师范教育事业几乎与之同步进行。但由于新疆的地理位置以及文化的多样性,导致新疆师范教育事业的发展在共性的基础上又呈现出一系列个性化特征。新疆中小学美术教师教育亦是如此,新疆中小学教师不仅担负着普及少数民族地区义务教育、提高地区人民基础素质的重任,还承担着促进民族团结、维护祖国统一的历史使命。因而加强新疆中小学教师教育,尤其是中小学美术教师教育,推行“美育代宗教”,是实现新疆和平稳定繁荣发展的基础。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Along with the development of Chinese higher pedagogical education, pedagogical education in Xinjiang has developed for hundred’s years. Considering the diversity of geography and culture of Xinjiang, there are series of both universal and particular traits, especially for pedagogical education of art teacher of primary and middle school. Teachers of primary and middle school in Xinjiang take historical responsibility for popularizing compulsory education in minority areas, improving the basic quality of the people in the region, as well as promoting national unity and maintaining the unity of the motherland. Therefore, it is basic for peace, stability, prosperity and development in Xinjiang to promote pedagogical education of art teacher of primary and middle school, as well as to substitute religion with art education.

Key Words:teacher education; Art education in Xinjiang normal collage; Substituting aesthetic education for religion