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单位:东南大学     作者:马晓文     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-02-28

摘 要:本文的目的是从用户体验的角度对火车票的信息进行可视化再设计。方法:首先,使用非参与式观察法研究用户的使用场景,发现火车票现存使用问题,进而,对现有火车票票面信息进行梳理与分类,结合用户使用流程,得到火车票票面信息的重要度区分。结果:对火车票的信息重新进行可视化设计,提高用户使用效率与体验。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The purpose of this paper is to visualize and redesign the information of train tickets from the perspective of user experience. Method: Firstly, the non-participatory observation method is used to study the user's usage scenarios, and the existing use of train tickets is found. Further, the existing train ticket face information is sorted and classified, and the user's use process is used to obtain the importance of train ticket face information. distinguish. Result: The information of the train ticket is re-visualized to improve the user's efficiency and experience.

Key Words: information visualization; train ticket; user experience