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单位:西安工程大学...     作者:李胜男 戴鸿     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-02-28

摘 要:在设计领域“中国风”由来已久,但新的时代背景下其内涵也发生了新的变化,并与新出现的“新中式”风格出现了概念重叠,常常令人混淆。以服装设计为例,分析二者的起源、传播及演变,总结其在当下的表现形式,从而探讨其中的异同,将对设计理论的发展和设计实践的进一步展开有重要意义。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In the field of design, the “Chinoiserie” has a long history, but its connotation alsohas new changes in the context of the new era, and it has often overlapped with the emerging “Neo-Chinese Style”, which is often confusing. Taking clothing design as an example, analyzing the origin, spread and evolution of the two, summing up their current forms of expression, and exploring the similarities and differences, will be of great significance to the development of design theory and the further development of design practice.

Key Words:Fashion design; Chinoiserie; Neo-Chinese Style