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单位:西安建筑科技大学     作者:李晓盈 赵锋 兰韵     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-02-28

摘 要:传统游戏有着丰富的文化底蕴,反映着古代人类彼此之间交流的一种方式,而在网络游戏盛行的今天,虚拟的游戏场景已占据人们的生活,传统游戏的简单游戏模式已不能满足人类的需求。本文主要针对逐渐消逝的、单一的传统游戏搭载于超媒介叙事中,对宝鸡扶风地区传统游戏的在地关联性、知识传达等特性进行有效分析,并从传统游戏设计因素进行研究为传统游戏设计研究提供可借鉴的思路。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Traditional games have a rich cultural heritage, reflecting the ancient human exchange between a way, and in the Internet game prevailing today, the virtual game scene has occupied people's lives, the traditional game of simple game mode can not meet the needs of human beings. This article mainly aims at the fading, single traditional game is carried in the hypermedia narration, carries on the effective analysis to the Baoji Fufeng area traditional game in the ground relevance, the knowledge communication and so on characteristic, and carries on the research from the traditional game design factor for the traditional game design research to provide the idea which can be used for reference.

Key Words:traditional games; hypermedia narration; in-place relevance; knowledge communication