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单位:武汉交通职业学院     作者:李爽     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-02-28

摘 要:现代环境艺术起源于欧洲,从古至今均可看见环境艺术的影子,其促进了人们物质上和精神上的升华。现代环境艺术通过对环境艺术进行改进,将一些多余的部分去除掉,更加注重环境的观赏性,使环境艺术的科学性及实用性均大大增强。近年来,具备西方风格的现代环境艺术被广泛应用于人们的日常生活中,对我国的本土文化造成了一定的冲击。传统茶文化便是一个典型的例子,为了更好地推动我国传统文化的继承和弘扬,将传统茶文化元素与现代环境艺术设计相结合具有必要性。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The modern environmental art originated in Europe and can be seen from ancient times till now, which promotes the sublimation of people's material and spiritual values.  Modern environmental art, by improving environmental art, removes some superfluous parts and pays more attention to the appreciation of the environment, thus greatly enhancing the scientific and practical nature of environmental art.  In recent years, modern environmental art with western style has been widely used in people's daily life and has had a certain impact on China's local culture.  Traditional tea culture is a typical example. In order to better promote the inheritance and development of traditional Chinese culture, it is necessary to combine traditional tea culture elements with modern environmental art design.

Key Words:Tea Culture Elements; Environmental Art Design; Art Consciousness Thinking; Coordinated Decoration