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单位:1.哈尔滨商业...     作者:陈卓1 张旭东2 初冬1     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-02-28

摘 要:文化是一个民族的灵魂,对民族发展有着举足轻重的作用。在全球旅游产业发展前景广阔的影响下,民俗文化旅游业得到了迅速发展,而达斡尔族作为世居黑龙江地域的少数民族之一,其文化有着珍贵的历史价值。深入挖掘达斡尔族文化内涵,研究推进民俗文化与旅游景观设计的创新发展,将增强当地社会经济的发展以及构建黑龙江地域少数民族文化旅游产业的新格局。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Culture is the soul of a nation and plays a decisive role in the development of the nation. Influenced by the broad prospects of global tourism industry,folk culture tourism has developed rapidly. As one of the ethnic minorities living in Heilongjiang,Daur culture has precious historical value. Deeply excavating the cultural connotation of Daur nationality and studying the innovative development of folk culture and tourism landscape design will enhance the development of local social economy and build a new pattern of cultural tourism industry of ethnic minorities in Heilongjiang region.

Key Words:Folk culture; Daur; Cultural tourism; Landscape design