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单位:云南师范大学     作者:李丽娟     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-02-28

摘 要:探索南涧彝族特有文化中在凤凰沱茶品牌设计中的主导地位,除了艺术价值和实用价值以外还应具有彝族文化价值。一个优秀的品牌设计除了良好的销售外,还应建立在科学与艺术、社会文化与经济基础之上。南涧彝族的民俗、服饰文化、建筑风格、语言文字、手工艺品等民族文化元素都是作为凤凰沱茶品牌设计依据,都为凤凰沱茶品牌设计即提供灵感,同时为最终品牌形象与民族文化融合的提供可靠保障与民族文化依据。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Exploring the dominant position of the unique culture of the Nanjian people into the design of the Phoenix tea brand, in addition to the artistic value and practical value, it should also have the cultural value of the Yi nationality. In addition to good sales, a good brand design should be based on science and art, social culture and economics. The folk culture, costume culture, architectural style, language and characters, handicrafts and other national cultural elements of the Nanjian people are all based on the design of the Phoenix tea brand. They all provide inspiration for the design of the Phoenix tea brand, and at the same time integrate the final brand image with the national culture. Provide reliable protection and national cultural basis.Key Words:Yi culture; brand design; cultural heritage