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单位:宿迁学院艺术...     作者:邱佳佳 陆玮     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-02-28

摘 要:“女书”是一种特别的文字符号,是女性在私人圈子里沟通和交流的独特平台。由于女书文化的独特的传播方式,它还不够具备透明、海纳百川、方便的特点和能力,这导致女书文化不断消失并面临消亡。在本文中的提出的女书文化界定在通信交流方面,根据容器造型和具备的内涵两个方面分析了女书文化与酒产品设计的相似点, 并通过阐述了女书文化在酒产品设计中的继承应用帮助女书文化的传承保护与酒产品的设计创新,用这种方式保护我国特有的这种文化。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:"Female book" is a unique gender text in Pyongyang, human province. It is a kind of text symbol system created by women, which is a unique platform for women to communicate and communicate in private circles. The carrier of the culture of omen's books, the vast majority of them are paper, book, fan and towel. Based on the unique transmission mode of the female book culture, it is not enough to be transparent, inclusive and convenient, which leads to the disappearance of the female book culture. Put forward in this paper the nu sh culture defined in terms of communication, according to the connotation of container modelling and have two aspects analyzes the female book culture and similarities of wine product design, and expounds the female book culture inheritance application in liquor product design help nu sh culture heritage protection and wine product design innovation, make the profound vitality and appeal of culture makes more sense.

Key Words:female book culture; Wine products; Internet; inheritance